做賊喊捉賊 美大選  佩林指責奧巴馬勾結恐怖份子 http://home.sina.com/ If indeed so, that so called 佩林 should provide all evidence or suspected evidence (Like I sensed that McCain running mate 勾結恐怖份子that linked to 長灘島JungShiauLin linked underground chained slavery terrorist, because that John McCain running mate not only looked like JungShiauLin's mas 買屋網ter or partner or slaver "嚴樂"[Jung Shiau Lin and "嚴樂" are real ID available for FBI or CIA to investigate their link directly or indirectly with McCain r 襯衫unning mate, FBI and CIA must have no problem to look how "嚴樂" and JungShiauLin sided or aid underground chained slavery terriorist smugger illegal or legally covering up movin 西裝g their underground chained slavery terriorist around the world, how McCain running mate using Alaska fund to fund, buy, sell and partnered with "嚴樂" and JungShiauLin underground chained grouped slavery t 代償errorist directly or indirectly. I am a woman stay most my time at my home alone, when I can sense the crimes that McCain running mate involved, her crimes must be too serious to be ignored.], she also committed the cri 室內設計me to steal USA citizens shared Alaska to fund her personal special interested grouped in Alaska that already showed her Terrorist criminal act, not mention "Alaska" cold cold hard matches "嚴樂" most favorite "Jway.Way.險.Duh.Deed.Fun.Jway.Ann.C 個人信貸hyuan" eyes. You make accusation, you must have to fingering specific fact for USA authority to have a clue to be able to take action, you are American, you must not be allowed to follow evil Chinese low lower lowest "Huang.Whore" gangsters lairs to commit "Cone.C 房屋貸款all.Swall.Bi.What.亂.Lie" crimes.) to demand USA Congress to impeach 奧巴馬, if that so called 佩林 dare not do the USA citizen duty to demand US Congress to take action to jail 奧巴馬 or order USA military to kill 奧巴馬 for his treason crime that accused by that so called 佩林, then that s 商務中心o called 佩林 must have to be killed immediately for that so called 佩林 must committed Chinese said "Goods.C.Young.Jane.等同罪犯" and/or "做賊喊捉賊" double crimes. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 設計裝潢  .

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